Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feeling Better

I have a much better feeling about teaching this semester after today.  My team has been pretty unorganized and none of them have been teaching world history for more than 3 years, except one who is an older coach who floats into my room 1st period and asks me what I'm doing everyday.  However, my teacm leader went over to another school, from a teacher who used to work at Creek.  Now we have over 50 gigs of stuff.  Powerpoints with embedded videos, and activites at the end of each.  It is going to make planning for the week so much easier.  I had been pretty much planning, by myself, for everyday.  Now we will all have the same stuff.  YAY!!

Today, I also had a spot check from the DI (director of instruction).  She came in my room for about 10 minutes to make sure that things were going well, that I had all my objectinves and TEKS up.  I tihnk it went well, she left right before we started doing a review project-which would have looked better than the little bit of "lecturing" I was doing when she was in there.  Oh well, I still think it went well.

My team leader sent me an invitation to go to a ESL training day.  It is on a Saturday, and you get a $100 stipend. I tried signing up but it is all full.  I'm hoping someone will drop the course, so I can go.  Not so much for the stipend(though that would have been nice-lol), but so I can be better for my ESL class.  But so far they have done well, and speak great English.  All of them are native Spanish speakers expect one, she is from Pakistan.  Some of my Spanish speakers are are from Guatamala, Salvador, Honduras, and even Portugal, and of course Mexico.  They are a fun class.  All of my classes are except 7th.  And really it's only one kids that bugs me in 7th.  He has to go to the bathroom everyday, and when I dont let him go he complains the whole time.  Oh well, at least after I'm done with them I'm done for the day. 

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