Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to School

Well this past week was inservice, and the kids come Monday.  I am very excited for this year.  I am finally able to teach economics.  I am excited to be on such an awesome team.  There are two economics teachers and two government teachers, and together we make up the gov/eco team.  I decided to make them a little something for the beginning of the year.  A little mod podge and scrapbook paper can make the cheapest of clipboards cute!




SO for the third year in a row I am changing my room decorations (hey! at least I’m not changing rooms every time).  Here is my room this year.






My framed money looked great on the wall.  However, when we came back from lunch, one had fallen and broke.  So I took the other one off the wall as a precautionary measure, and put it on top of my filing cabinet.  I will have to fix the other.  Here is what they looked like before I took them up to school.


Happy 2012-2013 School Year!

Football time already!

You can tell summer is ending since football is coming back in full swing!

We got some tickets to the Texans game last Saturday night.  Even though it was preseason- it was fun, and it was a win!





Amanda came with us!  The guy sitting next to her left at half time, and left a full thing of popcorn under the seat.  After about a quarter and half of her saying she wanted to eat it, we finally pulled it over during the 4th quarter, after we scored and everyone was celebrating (and not watching/judging us). lol.


Russell’s family came too, but this is the best picture we could get.


Also, we had our fantasy football draft on Thursday.  Hopefully I can take it all again like I did last year!!


Go McCarth-a-trons!!!

The Thieman’s Come to Texas

A few weekends ago, our friends the Thieman’s came to visit.  We have known their family since I was probably 7.  We came up to Dallas for their visit and went to a Ranger’s game.



yes! we married dorks


Love this family!!!